Wednesday, February 22, 2006

Ah the joy of being petty

So this is a personal post that no one will care about but me. I live in a crappy small apartment, but due to it's location and variety of reasons I really like it. This is why I am sad that I have to move out because I could not find a new roommate. My sadness for moving out is deteriorating quickly, because I have the local JUDO TEAM UPSTAIRS PRACTICING. And this is not a small noise, my sliding glass door rattles like it does during a storm. Fortunately they practice at times of the day when I don't really need it to be quiet, between the hours of 1 and 4 am. This is unbelievable, I am tired, I like to stay awake during these hours and now I can't even enjoy being alone and watching TV. When you ruin TV for me, you are dead to me. So when I move I am going to have a party where the main event of the party is taking big sticks and hitting the cieling with them. I was thinking about using shotguns but that seemed excessive. So to all people on Judo teams who find training to be a very important part of your day, take the ground floor apartment and STOP BEING ASSHOLES.

Pettiness over.



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